What do you think about virtual relationship or online relationship? Well, so many answers, so much contradiction about this case.
Some people say its new common thing nowadays, some people said it’s a bullshit, nonsense, and all of man in the cyber are jerk. Haha. I don’t know. Everyone has their own opinion.
In this case, relationship not mean just about being girlfriend or boyfriend, but include become the friend too. I mean it.
I love to meet new people. I don’t deny that I have found many lessons from one of my new habit now. I make many friends almost with all of the people from different countries. Holland, England, Turkiye, Ireland, India, Singapore, Japan, Srilanka, France, Italy, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Jordanian, England, Australia, USA, Switzerland, Spain, Libya, etc, I cant mention them all.
There are many advantages and disadvantages.
Frankly, I love to meet new people, some of them tell me about their country, their culture, their self, their life, even if their problem. One thing I can get is all the people just want to be heard, they want to be listened, all of us need someone to talk.
I can not lie that I have ever falling in love in this cyber world. May be, he read this post, I don’t care. He did really turn my world around. I have been in love with him for almost two years. I do really trust in him but he did decide to stop dreaming about us. I know may be I can not be his perfect girlfriend and his real girlfriend. I know, but one thing he should know that I am really in love with him no matter what things he did to me, what he said to me. I will not regret when I was with him because I do really in love with him. We make a commitment to meet each other, but what can I do when he just said he give up, I have no other choice. He has his own life. Hope he is fine when he read this post and I wish all the best of him.
I know some people who really kind to me. Always listen to me. I have met many jerks here too, who will pay me for sleep with him if he come to my country or come to his country, many jerks who want to see my body in web cam, I can’t lie that I have met many species like them, but all is gone, I never put attention to them. While, they are harmless. haha. they cant touch me either.
From this too, I can learn many cultures too. I learn little how to speak Japanese, French, Arabic, and any others. I don’t believe that chatting is waste time, its all depend on you, and how you use it. I can’t lie it really help me to improve my English especially in writing and speaking.
Well, so many things I want to tell you but I want make some sketches now.