view from the top :) taken from Makassar Trade Center(taken from window, see the rain droplets?)
I did. I resist to go out while the rain outside,today. Yippie!!
I just feel bored in high level so I don't care what happen outside :)
First, I go to my favourite DVD's store. New movies!!yay!! the girl who sell it, who know what kind of film I love, recommended soo many films.haha.
I choose the Blind Side. something awky happened today!!The girl, we call SHE, really, I have known her for sooo long time and never know her name :)
Let me tell you.
While i was busy to choose the films suddenly she asked, whether I remember when I last time came here. Sure, I bought where The Wild Things Are and Invictus. I was soo scare. I was afraid if something happened or something broke or lost since I came there. Then, she gimme a piece of paper. She asked: Did you see two man who come here when you were choosing film here??
Of course, surely, definitely, I did not. For Godshake. She laughed at me then, gimme that paper, and told me that, that man asked us, SHE and her mate, to give it to you, and I saw the number written on it. Hollysh**
They both did freak me out!!
and I say, sorry, but really, I didn't understand and I didn't understand. I was joke, that ask him to get some foods then, and you,both, can eat.Really. We just can't stop laugh.
She said that him often come there too, and he is good looking,anyway. BLAH!!
Euw..then I asked, what did he give to you,girls?
She answered, If we could give his number, he will treat us.
Forget that damn things.
I just watched, the hangover (again) and I just died cause laugh!!
The words which I always hear is: We are all dumbsh** when we are f***ed up!
anyway, these are some pictures which I get from the fourth floor in shopping centre.
and..I get new plastic shoes :)

view of Karebossi Mall from MTC:) *its, rain anyway,not snow*

it's a road to Central Market*I bet you can find cheap and nice stuff here, if you do good in it*